Friday, July 1, 2011

Red, White, & Blue!!

White & Blue...

Happy Fourth!! Here's to my favorite holiday...Fireworks!! Root Beer Floats!! Sparklers!! Picnics!! Sunshine!! and if the heat is getting to you duck into a movie theater for the day and stay up late to watch the light show...It'll make you feel like a kid again... xoxo, M 

ps - and since it THE season for sales we're working on markdowns - whohoo!! - check em out here and use code "FIREWORK" at checkout for 20% off any purchase over $150


  1. Michelle-
    You're the queen of picture-finding... Pinning now!!

    Happy 4th to you and your family- and enjoy those floats... reminds me- I need to try Gwyneth's float recipe!

  2. Rally makes me want a gathered skirt just like this denim blue ones, oh and red nails too

  3. Really love the shoes the girl is wearing in the second wish I could find some like that!


I'm hanging on your every word...let me know what you think!