Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mellow Lellow...

Bonjour Mes Amis!! How have you been? I'm popping in after a much needed internet break - although I'm still muddling over the idea of an extended one in August - tres Euro of me, no? anyone want to join...blogger's vacation? but I have a few things to chat about this week so stay tuned!! In the meantime here's a little color crush on all things "lellow" as Lila likes to say...are you feeling it?
xoxo, M


  1. We love how yellow adds a bright pop of color. If you love yellow, check out Kyboe Sunshine: http://www.kyboeusa.com/shop/ky022/

  2. Love the "lellow"- in all of the images you posted. And I'm with you on the blogger's vacation...too much relaxing (at least, that's my goal) to do!

  3. I've been considering a break too. It's definitely more fun to think of it as a "Euro" thing to do instead of that I'm a little burned out on the weather and getting dressed for it. :)


  4. Lovely! Yellow makes me so happy! :)


I'm hanging on your every word...let me know what you think!