Whenever first time mom's-to-be ask me for my pregnancy musts...errr, wait, scratch that...whenever I offer them totally unsolicited advice, as I am wont to do, the phrase that seems to encompass everything is "embrace your inner granola"...Generally I apply this to the physical side of pregnancy, re: get to know your acupuncturist, find a chiropractor, join a prenatal yoga class, hire a doula, ditch the chemicals in your beauty arsenal, eat all organic, indulge in some mayan abdominal massage, and lastly, and most importantly, research your birthing options - consider natural childbirth (seriously, if I can do it, so can you)***
However, sartorially speaking, there's no better look for a growing bump than earthy goddess - I'm swooning over the
spring collection at Calypso and excited to pick up a few pieces to take me through these last weeks and into the newborn phase...(ahem, you thought maternity dressing was difficult - get ready to build your wardrobe around the ability to nurse at a moments notice - think henleys galore, nursing tanks, deep vees, cardigans and scarves)
and being a good hippie mama I better stock up on some matching duds for my littles...I'm in LOVE with Rikshaw's new
dresses &
***okay, I don't want anyone to get their panties in a twist - ANY birth that results in healthy Mom and baby is a great birth and thank goodness in modern medicine we have life saving options available to us including c-sections...I'm simply putting it out there that a natural, drug free birth is a great, doable, super good for you and baby option that should be explored if you have a normal, healthy pregnancy...***
So, veteran moms - what are your favorite words of advice to pass on to newbies?
Here's a much more
heartfelt letter on the subject I wrote to my friend Kat as she was about to have her first...
xoxo, M