Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bits & Baubles

A few things from the shop for Mother's Day...something blue by Bosquez, a bevy of bangles by Dream Collective, a layered lovely from Laura Lombardi, and the ultimate in hippie chic by Lizzie Fortunato...
xoxo, M

ps - feel like I've been stuck on the couch nursing for ages and am now addicted to Pregnant in Rosie - her clients however are CRAZY! and I now know more about Kate & Will than I ever thought possible...
pps - just restocked Ace & Jig if you missed out on the first round...


  1. Enjoy every minute of trashy tv (never seen P in H... not sure if it's actually "trashy") and baby cuddling!!

    Sounds way funner than dishes & laundry. ;)

  2. I might need to forward a link to this post to my husband for some major hinting...

    And Pregnant in Heels? Those ladies are taking pregnancy hormones to a new level! But of course, like a train wreck, I couldn't look away... ;)


  3. Ah, love that last necklace so very much. It's on my dream list.

    Enjoy that couch time with the bambina and the remote. =)


I'm hanging on your every word...let me know what you think!