I am not easily seduced by a handbag. I don't like bells and whistles, chains, studs, flashy logos or status totes. And the prices...yikes! Don't even get me started about diaper bags...what new mom is organized enough to put the correct thing in the correct pocket and those changing pads are ridiculously small. So, I end up schlepping around whatever free farmer's market tote I have handy and call it a day. Chic and polished it is not...filthy and functional is more like it.
Which brings me to these gorgeous specimens from Fleabags. I was flipping through the new issue of Elle when I spotted them. Super eco friendly, exceptionally chic, roomy and sturdy. It fullfills one of favorite fashion personas 'I live in Brooklyn and summer in Maine'. Limited Edition, made in New York by hand.
I'd pair it with some....
Ray Ban Wayfarers, (or these Target knockoffs)
a cozy grandpa cardigan from American Apparel,
rolled up matchstick ankle jeans,
a white vneck men's tee a la Alexander Wang (via target men's dept),
a chunky 'found object' necklace by Lizzie Fortunato,
a chunky 'found object' necklace by Lizzie Fortunato,
and some menswear inspired oxfords...hipster mom complete!
as always...10% off for Pretty Mommy readers using code PM09