Well friends, tomorrow I turn 37...37, 37, 37...and I'm pretty good with that...life is never perfect but it feels like I'm in a content place...(knock on wood)...the girlies two are growing up...The big L has one last year of preschool, little L is easing into toddlerville, the hubby and I are back to really liking each other again (hey, that new baby year is rough on marriage - just being honest!)...and the shop is growing but not getting too unruly...
Sure, I still can't remember ANYTHING unless I write it down, I'm still a month behind on emails, I can't blog these days to save my life, my house clutter will probably never be under control, my dinner menu is still utterly dependent on the Trader Joe's frozen section, there are days when a shower & a cocktail seem like heaven, and I haven't left the house past 7pm in over a year...but these are very minor, trivial things, no?

speaking of this little blog, it turned 3 a couple of weeks back! Hopefully one day, when both littles are in school I can put my thoughts back in order for some real posts but for now I am happy to annoy you now & then with my shopping tidbits and tempt you with all that my store holds - I have to admit I felt guilty about this for a while, but the truth is that blogging about random stuff on a daily basis is just kind of a luxury for me that had to fall by the wayside...and I feel so lucky that I get to work with so many amazing designers for the shop that promoting & selling their work is pretty much a complete pleasure...
Soooo, to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone reading & shopping I came up with a goofy contest to win a $300 gift certificate to the shop...
2. Pin all your favorites to your pinterest boards (the more you pin, the more chances you have to win!)
3. Make sure you to tag me - "
@Michelle @ Pretty Mommy" on the pin
4. let me know your pinterest name below in the comments
5. Check back on Friday, August 17th to find out if you WIN
okay, that's it! Now start pinning...
(here's a
whole board of stuff from the shop to make it even easier)
xoxo, M
ps - and as an extra birthday bonus take 25% off any order over $200 today and tomorrow! Enter "LEO12" at checkout